Erhan Coral was born in Istanbul in 1966. Following his engineering education, he completed his master's degree in business administration in the USA, and after a banking career of about 25 years, he continues his professional life through his own consulting company.
Although he started taking photographs many years ago with a simple analog camera as a hobby, in the years to come it went beyond being just a hobby and turned into a real passion. Even though he usually works on black and white street photography, he has been working on documentary projects from time to time for more than 10 years.
Being born and raised in Istanbul, combined with the vibrant and mixed cultural structure of the city, has given him the opportunity to continue his photography more passionately. Being a frequent traveler, she has had the chance to photograph different cultures and different people. As Graciela Iturbide says, “In the end, photography is an excuse for me to get to know the world.”
After participating in many group exhibitions in Turkey, he opened his first solo exhibition titled “Alone in the City" at YapıKredi Bomontiada in May 2022. This exhibition tells the story of people who are alone with themselves and the city in different areas of the city, at different times, in different seasons. The artist's second solo exhibition “Metropolis Chronicles: Capturing Urban Architecture and Humanity” took place at Galeri 77 in January 2024. Intertwining architectural and everyday stories, this exhibition takes the viewer into the heart of the urban landscape, telling the stories of modern cities through the eyes of urbanism, architectural marvels and the individuals who call these spaces home.
Throughout his photographic journey, he has won many awards from highly prestigious competitions such as Sony World Photo Awards, International Photography Awards and Travel Photographer of The Year.
Seçilmiş eserler
Brooklyn Bridge 1, New York, 2018
Galata Bridge, Istanbul, 2019
Metro Bridge 1, Istanbul, 2020
Atatürk Cultural Center, Istanbul, 2021
Brooklyn Bridge 2, New York, 2021
Metro Bridge 2, Istanbul, 2021
The Oculus, New York, 2021
Baker Street Station, London, 2022
Canary Wharf 1, London, 2022
Kaplıcalarda Bir Gün / A Day at the Hot Springs, 2022
Tate Modern 1, London, 2022
Tate Modern 2, London, 2022
Antinori nel Chianti Classico 1, Tuscany, 2023
Antinori nel Chianti Classico 2, Tuscany, 2023
Antinori nel Chianti Classico 3, Tuscany, 2023
Blackfriars Bridge, London, 2023
Canary Wharf 2, London, 2023
Mola, Boston / Break Time, Boston, 2023
Museo Nacional De Arte, Mexico City, 2023
Skywalk, Boston, 2023
St. Paul's, London, 2023
Tate Modern 3, London, 2023
Tate Modern 4, London, 2023
Ünalan, İstanbul, 2023
Berber Dükkânı, Havana / Barber Shop, Havana, 2024
Formun ötesi
Galeri 77 8 August - 7 September 2024Galeri 77, en yeni grup sergisinde 18 sanatçıyı bir araya getirerek figüratif sanat dünyasında büyüleyici bir yolculuk sunuyor. Eşsiz bakış açılarıyla bu seçki, sanatseverlere insan formunun ve nesnelerin figür olarak...Daha fazla bilgi edinin -
Metropol Kayıtları: Kentsel Mimariyi ve İnsanlığı Yakalamak
Erhan Coral 11 January - 25 February 2024Erhan Coral’ın ikinci kişisel sergisi “Metropol Kayıtları: Kentsel Mimariyi ve İnsanlığı Yakalamak” 11 Ocak – 25 Şubat 2024 tarihleri arasında Galeri 77’de ziyaretçilerle buluşuyor. “Metropol Kayıtları”, mimari ve insan hikâyelerinin...Daha fazla bilgi edinin
Contemporary Istanbul 2024
19th Edition 23 - 27 October 2024Galeri 77, yurt içi ve yurt dışından temsil ettiği 28 sanatçının ekspresyonizmden sürreal işlere, neo pop-art’tan deneysel sanata, fotogerçekçi, soyut ve hatta minimalist eserlere uzanan...Daha fazla bilgi edinin -
CI Bloom 2024
3RD EDITION 25 - 28 April 2024Galleri 77, 2024 CI Bloom edisyonuna katılımını duyurmaktan mutluluk duyar. Çağdaş sanatın çeşitli alanlarından yeni, yakın tarihli ve ikonik eserlerin zarif sunumu için bizi LK-29...Daha fazla bilgi edinin